WALKING | A Christmas Walk At Brereton Heath Nature Reserve, Cheshire

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Brereton Heath Nature Reserve in Cheshire

Circular walk

  • Start & End Point: Brereton Heath Nature Reserve, Cheshire, CW12 4SU
  • Distance: 1.6 miles / 2.6Km
  • Time Taken: approximately 45 minutes
  • Elevation: n/a
  • Uphill: 0/5
  • Technicality: 0/5
  • Scenery rating: 2/5

Walk Summary

This is a short and easy flat walk, with no need to plan your route in advance. Good parking, toilet and picnic facilities, popular with families and dog walkers. Extend your walk like I did by doing a couple of circuits and wandering off into the woodland.

Brereton Heath Nature Reserve walk Cheshire

I don’t know about you, but after an enormous Christmas dinner and a near repeat on Boxing Day, followed by copious amounts of cheese, crackers and booze, It feels really good to get back to the usual healthy eating and gym routine.

Winfield Outdoors
Brereton Heath Nature Reserve in Cheshire
The main route around the lake is flat and paved making it pushchair & wheelchair friendly

After a couple of mammoth gym sessions in between Christmas and the new year, I also took the opportunity to spend some time outdoors. Not wanting to spend half the day traveling I opted for a local walk, just 10 minutes drive away at a local nature reserve called Brereton Heath in Cheshire.

Brereton Heath Nature Reserve in Cheshire
Brereton Heath Nature Reserve in Cheshire

The nature reserve comprises over 50 hectares of woodland containing mostly silver birch and oak trees and at the centre of the reserve is a 15 acre lake.

Brereton Heath Nature Reserve in Cheshire
Bracket fungi spotted in the woodland

The main walk around the lake is only just over a mile long, but it can easily be extended by doing a couple of circuits and by detouring off into the woodland to explore like I did.

Rather than go into detail on what was a super straightforward route, I’ll let my photos do the talking.

Brereton Heath Nature Reserve in Cheshire
Boards like this provide plenty of details on the local wildlife and habitat
Brereton Heath Nature Reserve in Cheshire
Evidence of active woodland management

Along the trail there are various wooden sculptures and plenty of information boards telling you about the various wildlife and habitats.

Wooden sculptures scattered throughout the nature reserve

Brereton Heath Nature Reserve in Cheshire
Brereton Heath Nature Reserve in Cheshire

By the time I got back to my car just under 2 hours later the weather was beginning to close in, and the glimpses of blue sky and sunshine had been replaced by full cloud cover and grey skies, so it would seem I headed out at just the right time!

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