GEAR | Woly Sport Anti-shock Insoles 3d Plus from Fresh Steps

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Woly Anti-shock Insoles 3d Plus Sport
What are they?

Woly Sport Anti-shock Plus 3D Insoles
£9.99 fro Fresh Step

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  • Cushioned for maximum performance
  • Breathable microfibre
  • Shock-absorbing inserts

Woly Anti-shock Insoles 3d Plus Sport

As an over pronator with flat arches, I can’t wear any shoes without insoles, especially if I’m planning on walking any real distance. I must admit to having quite a few pairs of boots, in fact to be honest I have a ridiculous number of boots…

Rather than hunting around for insoles and moving them in and out of different pairs of boots all the time, I instead have lots of insoles that range from expensive custom orthotics to cheap eBay purchases.

Woly Anti-shock Insoles 3d Plus Sport

The verdict

The Woly Sport Anti-shock Plus 3D Insoles are really bouncy, and provide a great amount of padding under foot, so I’ve found them to be very comfortable and I’ve been wearing for the past month or so.

The arch isn’t quite severe enough for me to wear the insoles on long hikes, but in my gym trainers they are great.

Priced at £9.99 they’re good value, and they really do reduce foot fatigue too. If you have a normal arch, or are very slightly flat footed, these are a great buy.



Shell Robshaw-Bryan
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