TRAVEL | What Travel Means To Me & 5 Reasons Why It Matters For Us All

Camping Blog Camping with Style | Travel, Outdoors & Glamping Blog

Ardeche France and Sahara Desert

Perhaps wanderlust is genetically coded into me, partly as a result of my mixed heritage. I am equal parts Burmese, English and I am half Jamaican.

Brought up by white working class parents with middle class values, I feel nothing but British through and through. That said, hearing tales from my much loved, and still so sadly missed Burmese granny about her country of birth, and her happy years spent there before coming to the UK, there is a large part of my heart that longs to experience distant pieces of my heritage.

I’ve never lost the childish desire to explore and experience new things, and whenever I can, I jump into my car and go off to explore somewhere new.

I thrive on seeing and experiencing new things, and the more I see of this big old world we live in, the more I love it, and the more I come to know myself.

Travel snaps

I’ve swum along side sea turtles in the Maldives. I’ve snowboarded down Olympic runs in Canada. I’ve experienced St. Patrick’s Day in Dublin. I’ve seen dolphins off the coast of North Wales. I’ve been to the top of the Empire State Building in NYC. I’ve drunk tea with Bedouins at the foot of Mount Sinai…

I’ve been to some incredible places and done some amazing things, but one thing I’ve learned is that the benefits I get from traveling aren’t just confined to exotic locations

I’ve been to some incredible places and done some amazing things, but one thing I’ve learned is that the benefits I get from traveling aren’t just confined to exotic locations, 5* luxury and long-haul destinations.

Travel brings with it many benefits

Like most people these days I am overwhelmed with work commitments, family life and technology. I’m almost always connected, picking up work emails on my phone at 11pm at night, always doing something, and often, many things at the same time.

However well organised, a busy modern life rarely affords true relaxation

I practice mindfulness, I eat well (most of the time), I work out, and I do try to restrict my use of stress inducing technology. I make lists, I organise and prioritise and largely, I stay on top of it all. With a creative job and hobbies that require yet more creativity, having such a full life, however well organised, is not conducive to relaxation. Sometimes being creative and finding inspiration can be really tough!

A few travel pics

I don’t have anything against package holidays, I took a few of my own as a teenager, but I’m looking for something more than your typical humdrum beach holiday. That doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy chilling on the beach (occasionally) but for me, the whole point of traveling is to experience otherness.

Whilst I seek this, I face a constant challenge. Experiencing the exotic, the ‘otherness’ I so crave, invariably means a well researched and saved up for holiday, and because it is a holiday, a rare opportunity to relax, I need it to provide the benefits of both a holiday (relaxation and comfort) and the exotic (new experiences and culture).

I’m not one for humdrum package beach holidays

Whilst part of me would love to stay with local families, or at hostels and eat exclusively at street vendors, I need to find a balance between experiencing authentic culture and having a relaxing and comfortable break, that gives me time to switch off and unwind.

I want to visit Borneo, but I want to do it in a certain amount comfort. I know my limits, or at least I think I do. A trek into the rain forest is all well and good, as long as I’m going back to a good meal, a comfy bed and a shower! If that makes me less of an authentic traveler, then I’m OK with that.

I still get an awful lot from travel, not least a blast of creativity and the chance to leave my always-connected, hectic and demanding life behind long enough to be still and to reconnect with not just myself and my thoughts, but with the natural world I so love.

travel snaps

5 Reasons Why Travel Matters For Us All

1. Travel is liberating

Traveling provides us with freedom, the freedom to luxuriate in leisure time, with nothing too pressing occupying our minds. Traveling can be stressful, as anyone who has faced a last minute canceled flight will attest to, but often, the hours spent traveling gives us precious time. Time to read a fiction novel without feeling guilty,  time to listen to a favourite album or any other number of things that we enjoy doing, but are usually too busy to do.

Fancy a cocktail at the airport at 7am? Go ahead! For a few wonderful days, you are free to pursue things you want to do and for me, the ability to be even just a little hedonistic is always very welcome.

2. Travel is challenging

Overseas travel, (and I’m not talking about package holidays to Spain) can be challenging and will absolutely take us out of our comfort zones.  Unfamiliar sounds, sights and smells all assault the senses, distracting us from the everyday issues we must deal with and presenting us with new challenges.

Getting to grips with new environments, assimilating different cultures and overcoming new challenges gives me a real sense of achievement and only serves to enhance my love of travel.

3. Travel is humbling

There is nothing quite so humbling as visiting a developing country, or experiencing poverty or life in the face of adversity. Venture beyond a tourist resort, outside of a plush hotel and experience, even for just a short time a more authentic travel experience.

Seeing people who prosper with so little and seeing people living lives far removed from my own existence, allows me to put my own troubles into perspective. It reminds me I am human and I can step outside of myself and feel both inspired and thankful for all I have.

maldives and egypt
Intrepid Travel

4. Travel moves the soul

I don’t care how much of a sap I sound, but the first time I found myself at the top of a mountain, I cried. I was so amazed by the peace, tranquility and beauty of where I was, I was utterly overwhelmed. My senses seemed unable to cope with all I was trying to process, and I was stood there, smiling with tears running down my cheeks.

I cried, utterly overwhelmed by the beauty of where I was

I go snowboarding at least once a season, and I’ve stood on top of a lot of mountains, and even now, that first time at the peak, or the first time I get off the lift, I have to take a moment to still myself with a short meditation, as the feeling of being overwhelmed by the natural world hits me, as though for the first time.

Travel to Scotland and Italy

5. Travel aids creativity

When I board a train or a plane, a wondrous thing happens. Within minutes, I am calm. My mind begins to wander and my inner poet and philosopher wakes up. I become fully absorbed in the landscape rushing past my window, and nature, even just a distant glimpse through a train window, has a hugely powerful and cleansing effect on me.

Routine acts like a straight jacket, compelling us to be logical, strategic and productive

This mental downtime, only ever happens to me when I’m traveling or exploring the outdoors, and during this downtime, i’m at my most relaxed and content, which is the ideal state to promote creativity. Feeling this way is certainly nothing special, similar to the concept of Flow, this downtime allows our subconscious selves to break free of our everyday routine, routine that acts like a straight jacket, compelling us to be logical, strategic and productive. When we are free of these constraints our brains are able to roam free, promoting relaxation, creativity and a sense of well-being.

I’ve learned that whilst I love to travel and spend most of what I earn on it, there is real beauty and wonder to be had all around me. The whole world, and even our own back yards, are bursting with beauty, if you only care to find it. Mental downtime and reconnecting with the natural world is important for my wellbeing, so I’ll continue to wander and be curious.Save
