WELLBEING | Let’s Be Kind & Support Each Other Over The Coming Months Yeah?

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How are you feeling? Even if you haven’t got a cold or a nasty winter bug (I’ve currently got tonsillitis) my concern is how we’re all doing mentally right now so I’ve put some resources together that provide tips and advice that will help us all get through this. Scroll to the bottom of this feature to get to the resources section.

mind cards

I’m a huge fan of dystopian fiction and honestly, the last 72 hours feel like I’m reading a book or watching a movie. Everything feels kind of surreal right now.

Check out Coronavirus and your wellbeing over on the Mind website

Last week I was of course increasingly aware of the escalating problem facing the world, but it still felt like it was distant, far off, but each day as soon as I wake up, I’ve been checking the news to track the spread of Covid-19, hungry for developments. Like many, I’ve been mildly Incredulous at the panic buying anecdotes many have been sharing, watching with some astonishment as supermarkets have run out of paracetamol, loo roll, pasta and more.

As an asthmatic and someone who has previously had pleurisy, I’m in a moderately at-risk category, but it’s not me I’m worried about. I’m concerned about the vulnerable people in society and about my mum who has Leukemia and who we nearly lost fairly recently due to respiratory failure. I’m worried about those with weak immune systems and the elderly who feel like Covid-19 is the grim reaper, intent on tracking them down, who may well be terrified about leaving the house.

The briefing from the PM yesterday only fueled fear as he plainly stated that we’d see many people die before their time. A statement I found chilling and extremely sobering. For the vulnerable in our society who are at high-risk, I can only speculate how scared they must feel having heard that.

I live on a new estate and all of my neighbours are relatively young, I don’t know any older or isolated people I could visit to make sure they’re OK or offer to get groceries for. I’ve posted on my local Facebook group to find out if any local groups or charities need extra volunteers, but I’m aware that with tonsillitis, and despite my obsessive hand washing, I could easily pass something on, so I feel like I want to help those that need it, but don’t know how to and it would be kinda weird to just start knocking randomly on doors.

I’m hoping to find a bit of clarity and balance outdoors this weekend

I’ve got to be honest. I’m finding the news pretty overwhelming and when you look at the projected figures being talked about, huge numbers of people are likely to die. Yet some people still sneeringly believe it won’t affect them, that it can’t possibly get that bad and that those people that are worried should just turn off the news.

The truth is, what’s going on is like nothing we’ve ever experienced before, and whatever you’re feeling it’s valid. No one knows what’s going to happen or how this will truly play out so we just need to make sure we’re supporting each other as well as we can. From taking care of the basics like ensuring we step up our preventative measures and taking NHS and government advice on what to do and when to do it seriously.

For those with high levels of resilience, in perfect health who perhaps don’t have elderly family or friends in high-risk categories, please don’t be dismissive of the fears of others. We need to be kind to each other and to offer support, whether practical or emotional because we’re all in this together and it looks like we’re all going to face a challenging few months.

Me? I’m going to keep track of what’s going on, I’ll heed the official advice and I’ll continue living and working as normally as possible for as long as possible.

We have heaps of trips planned this year, hikes and so on, and none of those plans are going to change. In fact, I feel like getting out for walks in the countryside and heading up into the mountains is something that could benefit many of us, if only to clear our heads and provide a bit of respite from the news.


Shell Robshaw-Bryan
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