GEAR | Primus Kamoto OpenFire Large Fire Pit – Review

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Primus Kamoto OpenFire Large Fire Pit

What is it?

Primus Kamoto OpenFire Large Fire Pit RRP €189.95



  • Portable fireplace
  • Suitable for wood or coal
  • Ashtray protects the ground
  • Comes with a cooking grid
  • weight 9600 g

The Verdict

First impressions of the Kamoto are good. As with all Primus gear you notice the quality straight away.

I really like the fact that the fire pit is raised well off the ground, but thanks to the clever design it is very stable too. For additional protection, there is an attached metal tray at the base which means if logs or coals were to fall out, the ground is protected from any damage.

To assemble, the fire pit folds out and there’s just the bottom internal grate and side pieces to slot into place before it’s ready to use.

Primus Kamoto OpenFire Large Fire Pit

I’ve bought two fire pits in the past to use primarily in my garden and I also have a small portable camping fire pit, which is really too small to produce any meaningful heat for anything more than a couple of people huddled directly in front of it.

The 2 garden fire pits I’ve had in the past have both quickly warped from heat – granted I’ve never really splashed out this much on a fire pit before, so low quality obviously played a part, but having used the Kamoto several times, there are no signs of similar warping and it seems just as solid as it was when I first got it.

The size of the fire pit means you can have 2 or 3 really good sized logs on it and it’s capable of kicking out an impressive amount of heat.

Cleaning it out once the fire has died down meant tipping it on its side, depositing the ashes into a bin bag, then using a dustpan brush, I swept the inside clean before folding it back up, ready for its next use.

The fact that it can also be used as a barbecue makes it versatile too and the metal grate that sits over the top of the fire pit is very sturdy, and on a recent camping trip to the coast, we used it as a barbecue and it was fantastic. The grill surface is huge and we managed to fit loads on at the same time, so it’s a big thumbs up from us.

Any Gripes?

I’d have liked the bottom internal ash grate to be more of a box design rather than a flat grate. If it had sides, even very short sides, it would mean it could be lifted out with the ashes inside for even easier clean-up.

Final Say

Our Rating

Quality 5/5

Practicality 4.5/5

Value 4/5

Overall Rating 4.5 out of 5 stars (4.5 / 5)

The Kamoto really is beautifully made and a very sturdy, capable bit of kit. I’ve used it several times on chilly evenings in the garden, have taken it up to Scotland on a glamping break and have used it on a coastal camping trip too.

It’s a very welcome addition to my camping kit and due to its size, it’s big enough for several people to sit around and feel the warmth from.

Primus large fire pit barbecue grill

If you’re looking for an extremely well made, good size fire pit for camping trips with family and friends then the Primus Kamoto is well worth considering, especially as it can double up and easily be used to cook food on too.

The fact it all folds in on itself means it’s very easily portable, though it is quite heavy. The final thing to note is the price tag, it really isn’t cheap and there are far cheaper portable fire pits on the market, but having tried some cheaper ones, the quality of the Primus Kamoto is head and shoulders above anything I’ve previously owned.

A year on and we still can’t get enough of the Primus Kamoto!

Primus Kamoto camp fire

Thank you to Primus who supplied us with the featured product. We were not paid to write this review.

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